Subjective cognitive decline in cognitively normal elders from the community or from a memory clinic: Differential affective and imaging correlates.
Auteur : Perrotin A, La Joie R, de La Sayette V, Barré L, Mézenge F, Mutlu J, Guilloteau D, Egret S, Eustache F, Chételat G
Année : 2017
Journal : Alzheimers Dement 1552-5279
PubMed Id : 27693187
Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) could indicate preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, but the existing literature is confounded by heterogeneous approaches to studying SCD. We assessed the differential cognitive, affective, and neuroimaging correlates of two aspects of SCD: reporting high cognitive difficulties on a self-rated questionnaire versus consulting at a memory clinic.