3D Transcranial Ultrasound Localization Microscopy in the Rat Brain with a Multiplexed Matrix Probe.
Auteur : Chavignon A, Heiles B, Hingot V, Orset C, Vivien D, Couture O
Année : 2021
Journal : IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1558-2531
PubMed Id : 34932470
Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM) provides images of the microcirculation in-depth in living tissue. However, its implementation in two-dimension is limited by the elevation projection and tedious plane-by-plane acquisition. Volumetric ULM alleviates these issues and can map the vasculature of entire organs in one acquisition with isotropic resolution. However, its optimal implementation requires many independent acquisition channels, leading to complex custom hardware.