Association Between Lifestyle at Different Life Periods and Brain Integrity in Older Adults.

Le 01 Mar 2025

Auteur : Turpin AL, Felisatti F, Chauveau L, Haudry S, Mézenge F, Landeau B, Vivien D, De La Sayette V, Chételat G, Gonneaud J,

Année : 2025

Journal : Neurology 1526-632X

PubMed Id : 39919257

Lifestyle behaviors, including engagement in complex mental activities, have been associated with dementia risk and neuroimaging markers of aging and Alzheimer disease. However, the life period(s) at which lifestyle factors have the greatest influence on brain health remains unclear. Our objective was to determine the relative influence of lifestyle (i.e., engagement in complex mental activities) at different life periods on older adults’ brain health.