Worry and ruminative brooding: associations with cognitive and physical health in older adults.

Le 01 Août 2024

Auteur : Morse RM, Koutsoubelis F, Whitfield T, Demnitz-King H, Ourry V, Stott J, Chocat A, Devouge EF, Walker Z, Klimecki O, Collette F, Chetelat G, Gonneaud J, Poisnel G, Marchant NL,

Année : 2024

Journal : Front Psychol 1664-1078

PubMed Id : 39021658

Mental health conditions are associated with cognition and physical function in older adults. We examined whether worry and ruminative brooding, key symptoms of certain mental health conditions, are related to subjective and/or objective measures of cognitive and physical (cardiovascular) health.